I ain't never seen a creature like that before, she says. He's so smart, he's- More, like a person than a bird? I says. Yeah, she says. That's it. Whatever you do, I says, don't tell him that. I'll never hear the end of it.

Moira Young
About This Quote

A young girl, who is not even aware that she is talking to a person like a bird, says that the person is smarter than any human. This person, her father, does not want his daughter to tell this man that he is smarter than people. He has an idea of the bird-person's intelligence and does not want it rivaled. When she says that he is like a person, he says that he is like a bird because he does not know how to speak human language.

Source: Blood Red Road

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More Quotes By Moira Young
  1. Don't give in to fear. Be strong, like i know you are. An never give up, d'you unnerstand, never. No matter what happens. I stare at him. I won't, I says. I ain't no quitter, Pa.That's my girl.

  2. Ever heard of the rule of three? he shouts as we run. No! If you save somebody's life three times, their life belongs to you. You saved my life today, that makes once. Save it twice more an I'm all yers.

  3. Marry me, he says. I got all my own teeth, I wash twice a year an I'll cut you in fer half the business here.

  4. Wisdom ain't a virtue I ever aspired to.

  5. I ain't never seen a creature like that before, she says. He's so smart, he's- More, like a person than a bird? I says. Yeah, she says. That's it. Whatever you do, I says, don't tell him that. I'll never hear the end of it.

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